Wednesday, 24 August 2011

House Insurance

Insurance is usually at the bottom of the priority list when people are moving, as often the setting up of the broadband account, making sure the car permits are in place, and the check in appointment has been confirmed etc, tend to come first.

However, it is important to make sure that you have the right insurance cover in place and on time.

The building itself and the Landlord's own contents are insured by the Landlord, meaning it is just your own contents that you will need to insure.

Once you start looking into all the different policies, you will see that the insurance companies cater for the individual; for example if you are musically minded, the company will offer insurance to cover the replacement or repair of musical instruments if yours is damaged or stolen.

Another issue to bear in mind is the Accidental Damage and Negligence option that you can choose to include in your contents insurance.  This does increase the amount of money that you will pay for your insurance, however insures your belongings as well as the Landlord's if you inadvertantly damage any of their contents and/or the property itself.

For example, if a tap is left on and the property is flooded, the damage could include floorings, decoration and contents (Landlord and/or Tenant's).  The costs of replacing or repairing any of these issues will be covered by the insurance if this option is chosen at the time of purchasing the tenant's contents insurance.

Choosing the Accidental Damage and Negligence option is often a far cheaper alternative to the possible costs if anything were to happen as an accident in the property, and we highly recommend it!

There are a number of companies offering Tenant insurance nowadays, including Banks, so we recommend that you check out the following links if you are looking at getting your insurance sorted out:

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Forwarding Mail

If you have just moved into one of our properties you will find that you will be inundated with mail for previous tenants.

We do advise our tenants to put a redirection service in place, however this can sometimes be missed with all that is happening when people move.

When you receive any mail that is not in your name please forward this on to our office and we can send it on to the right people.

It is illegal to open someone else's mail, so we want to make sure our tenants are doing the right thing!

Mail that is marked to The Occupier is OK for tenants to open, however we would recommend that if you are not sure whether the mail is relevant to you please pass it on to our office.