Just a few days to go until the academic year kicks off in Edinburgh and with your suitcases nearly packed (are they?) to be moved into halls of residence or your student pad, we've prepared a few tips to help you get your student life off to a good start.
1. Take advantage of Freshers' events
More than just a week of never-ending parties, this is the perfect time to get accustomed to where things are around your university and to meet new friends. You'll also find that there are freebies available at many Freshers' Week events. Take advantage of these and don't overlook all the bits of information you can get, too.
2. Protect your property
If you've just moved all of your favourite belongings into your new home, now's the time to insure them properly. You're no longer living at home, which means you will need your own contents insurance. Your landlord needs to protect their belongings, but you do need to look after your own. And don't forget to protect property that you use outside of your home, such as bicycles, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.
3. Look after yourself
Living away from your parents for the first time can be a little daunting and everyday chores such as food shopping seem pretty boring, but try to stay away from pot noodles eaten seven days a week. Get to know your local supermarkets - many have shelves offering cut-price items with an approaching use-by date. Find out when these shelves are stocked and shop to prepare healthier meals.
4. Make a budget
With plenty of things to spend your money on on top of your rent, bills and books, ensuring your money lasts all month is crucial. Prepare a lit of your fixed outgoings which will let you see what spending money you have and start shopping around for deals or check out used items which often mean huge savings.
5. Get some advice